Getting Started

The sensor starts off in I2C mode, and to interface with it, place this configuration opmode inside your codebase.

Configuration OpMode
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import com.qualcomm.hardware.lynx.LynxI2cDeviceSynch;
import com.qualcomm.hardware.rev.RevColorSensorV3;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;

import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.DistanceUnit;

public class ConfigureLaserRangefinder extends LinearOpMode {
    public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
        LaserRangefinder lrf = new LaserRangefinder(hardwareMap.get(RevColorSensorV3.class, "Laser"));
        telemetry.addData("Pin0", lrf.getPin0Mode());
        telemetry.addData("Pin1", lrf.getPin1Mode());
        telemetry.addData("Distance Mode", lrf.getDistanceMode().name());
        telemetry.addData("Timing [Budget, Period]", java.util.Arrays.toString(lrf.getTiming()));
        telemetry.addData("ROI", java.util.Arrays.toString(lrf.getROI()));
        telemetry.addData("Optical Center", java.util.Arrays.toString(lrf.getOpticalCenter()));
        /* <configuration code> */

 * Helper class for configuring the Brushland Labs Laser Rangefinder.
 * Online documentation: <a href="">...</a>
class LaserRangefinder {
    public final LynxI2cDeviceSynch i2c;

    public LaserRangefinder(RevColorSensorV3 device) {
        this.i2c = (LynxI2cDeviceSynch) device.getDeviceClient();

     * Set pin one to threshold for a range.
    public void setPin0Digital(int thresh_lo, int thresh_hi) {
        setPin(R_PIN0_MODE, M_DIG, thresh_lo, thresh_hi);

    public void setPin1Digital(int thresh_lo, int thresh_hi) {
        setPin(R_PIN1_MODE, M_DIG, thresh_lo, thresh_hi);

    public void setPin0Analog(int bound_lo, int bound_hi) {
        setPin(R_PIN0_MODE, M_ANA, bound_lo, bound_hi);

    public void setPin1Analog(int bound_lo, int bound_hi) {
        setPin(R_PIN1_MODE, M_ANA, bound_lo, bound_hi);

    private void setPin(byte reg, byte reg2, int lo, int hi) {
        byte lo0 = (byte) (lo & 0xFF);
        byte lo1 = (byte) ((lo & 0xFF00) >> 8);
        byte hi0 = (byte) (hi & 0xFF);
        byte hi1 = (byte) ((hi & 0xFF00) >> 8);
        write(reg, new byte[]{reg2, lo0, lo1, hi0, hi1});

    public int getPin0Mode() {
        return i2c.read8(R_PIN0_MODE);

    public int getPin1Mode() {
        return i2c.read8(R_PIN1_MODE);

    public void setDistanceMode(DistanceMode mode) {
        write(R_DISTMODE, new byte[]{(byte) (mode.ordinal() + 1)});

    public DistanceMode getDistanceMode() {
        byte v = i2c.read8(R_DISTMODE);
        switch (v) {
            case 1: return DistanceMode.SHORT;
            case 2: return DistanceMode.MEDIUM;
            case 3: return DistanceMode.LONG;
            default: throw new RuntimeException("Could not get distance mode, " + v);

     * Set the timing budget and the total measurement period in milliseconds.
     * A period of zero means that the next range will begin immediately after the completion of the current range.
    public void setTiming(int budget, int period) {
        if (budget < 5 || budget > 1000) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid timing budget: " + budget);
        if (period != 0 && (period < budget + 3)) throw new RuntimeException("Measurement period must be at least 4ms more than timing budget if set. For fast ranging, use a period of 0.");
        write(R_TIMING, new byte[]{(byte) (budget & 0xFF), (byte) ((budget & 0xFF00) >> 8), (byte) (period & 0xFF), (byte) ((period & 0xFF00) >> 8)});

    public int[] getTiming() {
        java.nio.ByteBuffer buf = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(, 4)).order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        return new int[]{buf.getShort(), buf.getShort()};

     * Set the size of the sensor's region of interest. The ROI must be at least 4x4 in size.
    public void setROI(int topLeftX, int topLeftY, int botRightX, int botRightY) {
        if (botRightX - topLeftX < 3 || topLeftY - botRightY < 3) throw new RuntimeException("ROI too small, must be at least 4x4.");
        for (int v : new int[]{topLeftX, topLeftY, botRightX, botRightY}) if (v < 0 || v > 15) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ROI point value: " + v);
        write(R_ROI_TLX, new byte[]{(byte) topLeftX, (byte) topLeftY, (byte) botRightX, (byte) botRightY});

    public int[] getROI() {
        byte[] data =, 4);
        return new int[]{data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]};

     * Give the sensor a new I2C address from the default of 0x52.
    public void setI2CAddress(int newAddress) {
        if (newAddress < 1 || newAddress > 127) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid I2C address: " + newAddress);
        write(R_IIC_ADDR, new byte[]{(byte) newAddress});

     * Returns the (x, y) coordinates of the factory calibrated center of the sensor's 16x16 ROI.
    public int[] getOpticalCenter() {
        byte[] data =, 2);
        return new int[]{data[0], data[1]};

     * Resets from I2C scan mode to normal I2C mode, clearing previously configured scan ROIs.
    public void setI2C() { // also clears custom i2c address
        write(R_PIN0_MODE, new byte[]{M_I2C, 0, 0, 0, 0});

    public ScanSequenceBuilder setAnalogScanMode() {
        return new ScanSequenceBuilder(M_AN2);

    public ScanSequenceBuilder setI2CScanMode() {
        return new ScanSequenceBuilder(M_II2);

    public class ScanSequenceBuilder {
        private final byte mode;

        public ScanSequenceBuilder(byte mode) {
            this.mode = mode;

        private final java.util.List<byte[]> rois = new java.util.ArrayList<>();

        public ScanSequenceBuilder addScanROI(
                int topLeftX,
                int topLeftY,
                int botRightX,
                int botRightY
        ) {
            rois.add(new byte[]{(byte) topLeftX, (byte) topLeftY, (byte) botRightX, (byte) botRightY});
            return this;

        public void setScanROIs() {
            for (byte[] roi : rois) i2c.write(R_PIN0_MODE, new byte[]{mode, roi[0], roi[1], roi[2], roi[3]});
            write(R_PIN0_MODE, new byte[]{mode, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF});

    private int status = 0;

     * Retrieve the status of the last reading, where 0 indicates the reading is good, 1-2 indicates okay,
     * larger numbers indicates bad readings.
    public int getStatus() {
        return status;

     * Read distance via I2C. This also populates the value returned from {@link LaserRangefinder#getStatus}
    public double getDistance(DistanceUnit unit) {
        byte[] data =, 2);
        status = (data[1] & 0xE0) >> 5;
        data[1] &= 0x1F;
        return unit.fromUnit(DistanceUnit.MM, java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(data, 0, 2)

    private int b3 = 0;

     * In I2C scan mode, this returns the index of the ROI of the last reading from
     * {@link LaserRangefinder#getDistance(DistanceUnit)}.
    public int getROINum() {
        return b3;

    public double getScanDistance(DistanceUnit unit) {
        byte[] data =, 3);
        b3 = data[2];
        status = data[1] & 0xE0;
        data[1] &= 0x1F;
        return unit.fromUnit(DistanceUnit.MM, java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(data, 0, 2)

    private void write(int creg, byte[] bytes) {
        i2c.write(creg, bytes);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public enum DistanceMode {
         * Maximum range of 1.3m, good immunity to ambient light.
         * Maximum range of 3m, okay immunity to ambient light.
         * Maximum range of 4m, more susceptible to ambient light.

    private static final byte M_I2C = 0;
    private static final byte M_ANA = 1;
    private static final byte M_DIG = 2;
    private static final byte M_AN2 = 3;
    private static final byte M_II2 = 4;

    private static final byte R_PS_DATA_0 = 0x08;
    private static final byte R_PIN0_MODE = 0x28;
    private static final byte R_PIN1_MODE = 0x2D;
    private static final byte R_ROI_TLX = 0x32;
    private static final byte R_DISTMODE = 0x36;
    private static final byte R_TIMING = 0x37; // timing 0
    private static final byte R_IIC_ADDR = 0x3B;
    private static final byte R_OPTCENTERX = 0x3C;

Plug the sensor into an I2C port on your hub, and configure it as a "Rev Color Sensor V3" with the name "Laser". Running the configuration opmode now will print the sensor's current configuration to telemetry.

Here is how to read from the sensor over I2C in a separate opmode. A normal I2C read will take upwards of 4 milliseconds to complete, and this can be improved by a few milliseconds using fast speed I2C:

public class ReadDistanceI2C extends LinearOpMode {
    public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
        LaserRangefinder lrf = new LaserRangefinder(hardwareMap.get(RevColorSensorV3.class, "Laser"));
        while (opModeIsActive()) {
            double distance = lrf.getDistance(DistanceUnit.MM);
            telemetry.addData("Distance", distance);
            telemetry.addData("Status", lrf.getStatus());

This code assumes that it is in the same folder/package as the configuration opmode. If not, you will have to move the LaserRangefinder class found within the configuration opmode file into its own separate file and make it a public class. You can then import the class everywhere.

// new file named
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
import com.qualcomm.hardware.lynx.LynxI2cDeviceSynch;
import com.qualcomm.hardware.rev.RevColorSensorV3;

public class LaserRangefinder {

The sensor has many options for ranging and output which can be configured over I2C.

Last updated